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DeMott, P J., M. D. Martinez, G. R. McMeeking, T. C. Hill, G. D. Frank, A. Danielczok, H. Bingemer, I M. Venero-Velez, J R. Anderson, O. L. Mayol-Bracero et al. African Dust and Other Aerosols as Sources of Ice Nuclei in the Eastern Caribbean Region In First International Workshop on the Long-Range Transport and Impacts of African Dust on the Americas. San Juan, PR, 2011.
Peña-Chocarro, M., S. Knapp, N. Brokaw, N. Bonilla, A. L. de MacVen, J. J. Ortiz, E. de Pöll, J. Tun-Garrido, D. Galicia, and D. Alexander. Árboles del Mundo Maya. Madrid: UVA Impresores S.A., 2011.
Vogel, J H., N L. Alvarez-Berríos, N Quiñones-Vilches, and JL Medina-Muñiz. "Economics of Information, Studiously Ignored in the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing." Environment and Development Journal 7 (2011).
Vogel, J H., N L. Alvarez-Berríos, N Quiñones-Vilches, and JL Medina-Muñiz. "Economics of Information, Studiously Ignored in the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and Benefit Sharing." The Law, Environment and Development Journal 7 (2011).
Alvarez-Berríos, N L.. Environmental film making and science communication In Science Film Organization. Puerto Rico, 2011.
Soto-García, L.L., M. O. Andreae, T W. Andreae, P. Artaxo, W. Maenhaut, T. Kirchstetter, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, J. C. Chow, and T. Novakov. "Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 (2011): 4425-4444.
Soto-García, L.L., M. O. Andreae, T W. Andreae, P. Artaxo, W. Maenhaut, T. Kirchstetter, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, J. C. Chow, and T. Novakov. "Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 (2011): 4425-4444.
Soto-García, L.L., M. O. Andreae, T W. Andreae, P. Artaxo, W. Maenhaut, T. Kirchstetter, O. L. Mayol-Bracero, J. C. Chow, and T. Novakov. "Evaluation of the carbon content of aerosols from the burning of biomass in the Brazilian Amazon using thermal, optical and thermal-optical analysis methods." Atmos. Chem. Phys. 11 (2011): 4425-4444.
Ardón, M., J.H. Duff, A. Ramírez, G.E. Small, A.P. Jackman, F.J. Triska, and C.M. Pringle. Experimental acidification of two Neotropical streams illustrates the sensitivity of invertebrate assemblages and importance of bicarbonate buffering In American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2011.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, M.O. Gessner, L.A. Barmuta, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, D. Dudgeon, A J. Boulton, M. Callisto, E. Chauvet et al. "A global experiment suggests climate warming will not accelerate litter decomposition in streams but may reduce carbon sequestration." Ecology Letters 14 (2011): 289-294.
Boyero, L., R.G. Pearson, D. Dudgeon, V. Ferreira, M.A.S. Graça, M.O. Gessner, AJ Boulton, E. Chauvet, C.M. Yule, R J. Albariño et al. "Global patterns of distribution in stream detritivores: implications for biodiversity loss in changing climates." Global Ecology and Biogeography 21, no. 2 (2011): 134-141.
