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Smith, L. On the Fructose Front- The Bottle for the US Sweetner market and its Impact on Puerto Rico., 1982.
CEER. Fuels and Feedstock from Tropical Biomass II- A Symposium on Alternative Domestic Energy Systems for Puerto Rico (Proceedings) In A Symposium on Alternative Domestic Energy Systems for Puerto Rico, April 26-29, 1982. San Juan, Puerto Rico: CEER, 1982.
Reagan, DP, and C Zucca. Inventory of the Puertorrican Boa (Epicrates Inornatus) in the Caribbean National Forest., 1982.
Bonnet, JA. La química en el ambiente del suelo aplicada a los suelos de Puerto Rico., 1982.
Garcia, J R.. Patterns of Temporal Distribution in the Metazoa Paasitology of the White Mullet, Mugil Curema in Joyuda Lagoon., 1982.
Bonnet, JA. Perspectivas para una red de comunicaciones de enlace vía satélite entre las universidades latinoamericanas y del Caribe., 1982.
Smith, L, and W Ocasio. Ponencia ante la comisión de asuntos energéticos de la Cámara de Representantes con relación a la Resolución de la Cámara #500., 1982.
Ponencias nacionales presentadas en el Congreso de UPADI- 82., 1982.
Koehler, W. Problems and Impediments in the Development of a Caribbean Basin Energy Program., 1982.
Bonnet, JA, GT Pytlinski, and K Soderstrom. Solar Energy Storage for Cooling Systems in the Caribbean., 1982.
Pytlinski, GT. "Solar Ponds: Research, Applications and Development." In 5th Miami International Conferece on Alternative Energy Sources, December 13-15, 1982. Miami Beach, Florida, U.S.A.: CEER, 1982.
Pytlinski, GT. Solar Ponds: Research, Applications and Development., 1982.
Mayol, J. Transportation Energy Conservation in Puerto Rico: Potencial, Approach Methodology and prospect to 1985., 1982.
Reagan, DP, RW Garrison, J R. Martinez, RB Waide, and CP Zucca. Tropical Rain Forest Cycling and Transport Program (Phase I Report)., 1982.
Iriarte, M. Wind Power., 1982.
